How to Improve Home Security: 5 Tips to Protect Valuables

a house in philly

Whether you’re a new homeowner or you’ve had your place for years, you know that times are changing quickly. In addition to regular maintenance, you also need to think about protecting your home and all your possessions from theft, damage, and environmental hazards.

The more you invest in home security, the more you boost your resale value and curb appeal when it comes to selling. Prevention is the best way to secure your home and its valuables. The steps you decide to take depend on your budget, location, and of course, your goals.

In this article, we’ll cover how to improve home security to make your home a safer place for you and your family, and consequently, a much more appealing prospect for future owners if you ever choose to sell it. 

1. Install a Home Security System

a woman controlling a home security camera system on a wall

First and foremost, home security heavily depends on your awareness of the risks around you. That includes potential theft and burglaries. Too many homeowners have a casual approach of “that won’t happen in this neighborhood”. Break-ins can happen anywhere at any time, so it’s best to take precautions in the event something does happen.

Installing an alarm system on your property is one of the best ways to deter intruders. A home with a security alarm or camera is a less desirable target to criminals. This can make your property more valuable to buyers, too, and even increase resale value.

When choosing a home security system, opt for a smart security system that lets you monitor the house from every angle outside. Visibility is essential in recognizing real threats from false alarms. Also, make sure that everyone in your home knows how to operate the alarm system to avoid mishaps. 

2. Choose Home Insurance Carefully

Sometimes, even with the best preventative measures in place, accidents can happen. From hailstorms, snowstorms, and similarly dangerous natural events that can cause excessive damage to your home, you cannot really prevent them. But you can protect yourself against financial loss with the right insurance policy.

With a good home insurance policy, your financial future and investment in your home will be secure should something go awry. The policy itself will depend on your location and potential hazards. So, be mindful of the coverage and talk to your agent before you sign on the dotted line. 

3. Protect Valuables

Now that we’ve covered home insurance, it’s essential that you know what kind of coverage you’re getting, under which circumstances, and what items are covered. In most situations, additional things that are of great value, like your cars, aren’t included in your price. This is even the case if something happens to your home when your cars are parked in the garage. 

Getting adequate car insurance and other insurance (like phone insurance) to complement your home insurance policy is also important. It can prevent financial loss down the road in case of damage or theft. The more you know, the easier it will be for you to invest in the right policy to protect your valuables, especially since your vehicle is one of your most sizable investments in addition to your home. 

4. Motion-Sensor Lighting 

large modern philadelphia property with lights and shrubbery

Some homeowners choose this particular step for its functional perks and energy efficiency, all of which present great rental perks for millennials if you choose to rent your home. However, the top reason to invest in motion-activated lighting is to improve home security.

Motion-sensor lighting technology enables you to spot intruders as soon as they are within range of your outdoor home lighting. This can deter intruders and burglars from entering your property further or choosing it as a target to begin with.

The only downside to motion-sensor lights is if you live in a rural area, the lights can be activated by all kinds of animals, including squirrels, raccoons, or cats in the middle of the night. That’s why combining alarm systems with motion-activated lights is the best way to go. 

5. Get a Furry Friend

a family petting a dog on the front lawn

Another way to improve home security is to get yourself a security guard who’s also your best friend and companion. Getting a dog can elevate the quality of your life and make your home a safer place to live. Different protective breeds, such as German Shepherds and Dobermans, make excellent guard dogs. They also have great personalities and are easy to train with the right professional by your side.

However, even a smaller dog breed is a good option. As soon as they start barking to alert you of someone’s presence, chances are they will scare the burglar away. This can happen when you’re not at home, or when you’re asleep, so you can wake up and call the police immediately. 

Just remember that getting a dog is a huge investment and shouldn’t be a decision taken lightly. Dogs are a big responsibility, so be sure you can care for a dog and want a pet before getting one.


Depending on your preferences and financial abilities, you can choose which steps make the most sense to improve home security and protect your assets from theft or damage. Naturally, the more you upgrade your home, the better your chances are of preventing financial issues from arising in case of a natural disaster or theft.

Start planning your security strategy today with these tips in mind, and your home will feel like a much safer space for you and your family. It can also protect your property and its resale value. With some additions (like home security cameras, motion-sensor lights, and home security systems), you can even increase home value.

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We can give you an instant cash offer on your property and take it off your hands in as little as 21 days. Learn more about selling to an investor or contact us today at (215) 769-9875.