How to Find Short-Term Tenants Online

a staged short term rental property

Short-term rental property is a growing industry. Now more than ever, it’s essential to have a solid online presence if you want to be successful in such a crowded market. Having a robust online presence is vital for marketing your property and keeping your clients and tenants happy.

In this article, we’ll explore the importance of having a solid online presence and how to build it so that you can take your business to the next level. Learn more about how to find tenants online.

What is a Short-Term Rental Property?

Short-term rental property refers to any property rented for a shorter period of time. This time period is generally less than a month, but it can be extended upon contract. This type of rental can be an ideal solution if you’re looking for extra income and flexibility in your housing arrangement.

Properties that are typically classified as short-term rentals include rooms in:

Does Owning a Short-Term Rental Make Sense?

a house staged for a sale

Yes, owning a short-term rental can make sense if you are looking for an income stream that is flexible and easy to manage. When renting a property on a short-term basis, you can earn money in various ways, including through Airbnb rentals or other online platforms. 

The main benefit of short-term rental property is that it allows you to make money quickly by renting out your property regularly. Additionally, this investment offers potential tenants peace of mind because they know precisely their obligations relative to the rental agreement.

Short-term rental investing can be a great way to make money while you wait for your ideal property to come up for sale. With the right strategy, it is possible to earn a healthy return on your investment in as little as 6 to 12 months.

How Do You Make Money From Short-Term Rentals?

a staged living room with a fireplace

Since short-term rental property investments are typically cash flow positive from day one. There is little downside risk involved – even in market volatility or recessionary conditions. That means that unlike other forms of speculative investment, such as stock markets, there’s never a need to worry about losing all your savings overnight.

In a short-term rental strategy, by acquiring and managing short-term rentals, you can strike it rich by taking advantage of high demand and growing trends in the housing market. Short-term rental investing can be a great way to make money while you wait for your dream property to come up for sale. When short-term rental properties are configured correctly, they offer several key benefits that could lead to increased revenue and ROI.

These properties should ideally be well maintained and located in high-traffic areas to generate consistent earnings. Proper marketing and tenant screening are essential when selecting properties for this investment.

Having a strategic advisor to invest in short-term rental investment properties can be extremely beneficial. Not only will they help you identify the best properties to purchase, but they’ll also help you manage and protect your investments. This is an important consideration since short-term rental property values are always changing.

Having someone who understands the industry and has experience investing in short-term rental investing can make a huge difference when it comes to success rates and overall portfolio growth.

By taking these steps into account, you will maximize your potential by generating income from rent. At the same time, you patiently wait for an opportunity like yours to come up again.

Benefits of Online Marketing For Short-Term Rentals: How to Find Tenants Online

an airbnb living room with orange walls and orange couch

There are many benefits to having a strong online presence for your short-term rental property. Here, we will discuss some of the top reasons you should ensure an online presence for your rental property and how to find tenants online.

1. Stand Out in Your Industry

According to the GrandViewResearch, valued at USD 99.38 billion in 2021, the global short-term vacation rental market is forecast to expand at a CAGR of 11.1% between 2022 and 2030. This growth is fueled by increasing interest in staycations, higher overall spending on tourism, and a preference among vacationers for less expensive lodging options.

A short-term rental property with a solid online presence can stand out in its industry and attract more tenants. It can also make it easier for potential tenants to find and book rentals and get updates on the property’s status.

In addition, having a strong online presence can help you build trust with potential tenants. This is important because they’ll be more likely to rent from you if they believe your property is safe and secure. Furthermore, a well-run online presence can also help you attract new tenants by showing them how desirable your property is.

Finally, a strong online presence can also help you QS (quick sell) your property faster. This means that you’ll be able to sell it quicker than if it didn’t have an online presence. In turn, this can give you a higher return on your investment.

2. You Can Take Direct Bookings

Having a strong online presence for your short-term rental property can be a significant advantage in taking direct bookings. Why? Because it allows you to easily attract potential guests from all over the world. It also makes them aware of all the fantastic amenities and features your property has.

Here are some of the benefits of having a strong online presence:

3. Increase Your Marketing Game

Having a strong online presence can be a significant advantage when it comes to renting short-term property. It makes it easier for potential tenants to find your listing and also helps you build a better relationship with them. This is because customers want to feel like they’re able to contact you quickly and that you are available when they need you.

You can achieve this by creating an easy-to-use, well-designed website that is easy to navigate. You should also ensure that all your listings are correctly updated and include all the necessary information about your property, such as pictures, descriptions, and pricing.

Photos, videos, and other content related to your property can also be shared on social media platforms. For example, Facebook and Twitter. This allows potential guests to glimpse the property’s greatness before visiting it. You can also use social media to promote your listing and reach a wider audience.

In addition, make sure that you have effective marketing campaigns to drive more interested tenants to your property. This could involve advertising in local newspapers or online platforms like Craigslist or Airbnb. You could also consider working with an agency that can help develop specific marketing plans for you.

4. Boost Your Brand Image & Revenue

Your short-term rental property must have a solid online presence to take advantage of all its benefits. Some of the reasons why include the following:


Thanks to the internet, it has become far more accessible than before to establish and sustain a robust website that showcases your property rentals. There are many ways to build an effective online presence and find tenants online. And you should do all of them if you want to keep your business thriving long-term.

When competing with other short-term rental properties, having a well-stocked website can even help you win more bookings. So no matter what stage your property rental business is in now – from planning steps to managing operations – always make sure you put effort into setting up an efficient online presence.

If you have a rental property to sell, contact us today. At Brotherly Love Real Estate, we buy houses and turn them into short-term rental properties. We buy houses in as little as 21 days with no closing fees.